We have short and long term focused investment approach in managing portfolio liquidity using fundamental technique to select investments from public and private equity interest across global industries. We invest in companies based on thorough assessment of each company business model and the quality of their management team and risk assessment report.
Our track record cut across multiple market cycles. We invest in strategies ranging from hard asset acquisitions, technology, hospitality, real estate companies and distressed debt.
We find opportunities for direct and indirect investment, value-added and strategic investment to improve portfolio performance.
We also have unique in-house asset management capabilities, allowing us to unlock value through prudent and cost-effective property management with a strong focus on services.
Our organizational structure decentralizes investment research, analysis and decision-making and centralizes risk management. This approach enables us to capitalize on a broad range of ideas and expertise while ensuring that risks are reviewed and managed comprehensively and with clear accountability.
We are committed to delivering excellence across all functions and actively seek to manage business and operational risks. Our operational managers are experienced practitioners and lead their teams based on a comprehensive understanding of overall firm strategy. This makes it possible for our investment professionals to focus on their core responsibilities.
Our goal is to provide best-in-class performance for our investors as we constantly strive to improve and adhere to the highest standards of professionalism and integrity.
Real Estate
We have the most sustainable Real Estate risk adjustment investment scheme capitalizing on real time opportunity in strategic investment ranging from assets acquisition in Real Estate companies and Real Estate distressed debt and management loans.
We have invested over US$15 billion across Asia, US and European market and a further US$9 billion region wide in commercial properties. Our value strength in the hands of our experience underwriters, structure and execute value enhance exit strategies source from our global network of accredited underwriters